• PINE (PINUS PINEA): Typical conifer in the Mediterranean area. 8-10 m. high. It is a well formed pine and very decorative. It produces pine-cones containing pine-kernels very much appreciated for cooking and pastry.
  • PHOENIX CANARIENSIS (Palm Tree): Perennial. Can be grown in gardens. Can be sown all the year in sheltered seedbeds, transplant when plants are 10 cm. high. Replant finally when plants are about 30 cm. high. Sow about 2 cm. deep in well-prepared, well-drained soils. Should not be grown in areas where the temperature falls bellow 0ºC.
  • ZIKO S.A. can produce various formulas of granular fertilizers with two or three macro elements (NPK-NP-PK-NK), with or without microelements, by the method of BULK BLENDING, always using raw materials of excellent quality, completely water soluble and friendly to the environment. Having this flexibility it is possible to cover the needs of all cultivations in every stage of growth from sowing till harvest, considering always the special needs of the plant and the soil. The result is correct fertilization and cost reduction. ZIKO S.A. also trades a wide range of chemical NPK fertilizers. All the above products with the commercial brands ARISTON – EXPERT – PLANTERRA – COMPLEMASTER are circulated in bags of 25 to 40 kg also in big bags of 500 to 1000 kg.
  • Excellent variety, improved by our company, cylindrical, uniform shape with a flat tip. Bright orange, thin-skinned, exempts of hard core, sweet flavour hardy and do not push above the ground. How to grow: Sow throughout the year, preferably from February to May. Scatter or sow in rows 40 cm. apart. Clear to 10 cm. apart. Harvest: Approximately 3 or 4 months after sowing.
  • MUSE (Ornamental Banana Tree): Perennial. Suitable for gardens. How to sow: All the year at a 40 cm. depth. It needs light soil, not too much moist and some sand to help drainage. It tolerates dry hot conditions well. In winter it should be in a sunny place, with temperatures preferably over 8ºC. This plant is highly appreciated for its elegance and beauty.
  • Very strong variety which is well adapted to different soils. Good quality, compact, thick heart, with long, hard, upright, darkish green leaves. Most widely grown of the roman variety. How to grow: Sow throughout the year, preferably from September to February in seedbeds which should be protected for winter sowings. When plants have 3 or 4 leaves, transplant to a distance of 30 x 40 cm. Harvest: Approximately 3 or 4 months after sowing.
  • Δινονται σε ζωα σαν συμπληρωματα λόγω αυξημενων αναγκων, που παρουσιαζονται σε διαφορες φάσεις της παραγωγικης ζωης τους οπου τα συμπηρωματα των τροφων καποτε ειναι αδυνατο να τις καλυψουν
  • Feed supplement | Mineral licking block with Molasses.
    Product usage of molasses licking block:
    • Achieve faster growth of animals
    • Increases the weight in fattening the animals
    • Stimulate the metabolism
    • Increases the appetite
    • Increases the absorption of other feeds
    • It’s a very good source of energy
    • It helps in conditions of stress
    • Increases the milk production
    Sold in 5 kg plates
  • Enable animals to lick it by putting it next to mangers and waterers or hanging it through its middle hole in a distance that animals can reach comfortably. We leave the product for at will consumption from the animals. Product usage of mineral licking block plus:
    • Improves digestion of concentrated food
    • It fills the daily needs of the animal with mineral substances
    • It boosts the immune system
    • Ideal for all ruminants
    • Improves the health of the animal
    • Improves feed efficiency
    • Increases the weight of the animal
    Sold in 5 kg plates
  • Feed supplement rich in vitamins and minerals which meet the nutritional needs of productive animals. Its use contributes to the reinforcement of the animal, to the augmentation of milk production, to the immune boost and against laminitis. In general it improves the daily health of animals.
  • MIMOSA-ACACIA DEALBATA: Garden tree highly appreciated by its beautiful gold yellow flowering in winter. Perennial leaf and foliage during the whole year. Medium small tree, 3 to 5 m. high. It can be sown alone or in group in all the garden exposures.
  • Could be used for cows with high milk production. Power: 3/5
  • Used for small ruminans for high milk production. POWER: 4/5
  • Used for small ruminans for high milk production enchanced with chelated minerals. POWER:5/5
  • Could be used for cows with high milk production, enhanced,inter alia, with extra phosphorus and chelated minerals. Power: 5/5
  • Used for small ruminans for milk production during transition period from milk period to dry period. POWER: 3/5
  • Could be used for cows with high milk production, enhanced,inter alia, with extra chelated minerals. Power: 4/5
  • Formula for all kind of ruminans, amongst others could be used for small cattles, lambs and kids
  • Feed supplement | Milk Licking Blocks rich in trace elements with addition of Lactose.
    Product usage of milk licking block:
    • Milk Block serves for the addition of lactose
    • It is an ideal food for strengthening the animal diet with minerals and lactose
    • Used for all animals that produce milk
    Sold in 5 kg plates
  • For situations where customization provides the best result,

    The Flex-strategy is a unique concept within our nutritional program. Products specially formulated for your specific needs and circumstances, this means:
    • Tailor made option
    • Klaremelk has the opportunity of micro-dosing
    • Base can be Comfort, Optimaal or Efficient
    • Possibility of farm specific requirements
    • Possibility of breed specific needs
  • Licking buckets (20kg-35kg) with VItamins and Minerals
  • Licking blocks (5kg) with VItamins and Minerals

  • The classic export bulb, and also highly valued on national market as its keeps very well and for its size. Hard, spherical bulbs, well – shaped and sweet tasting. Straw – coloured, copper – toned the outer skin and whitish the inner coats. How to grow: Sow in seedbeds from August to September according to climate. When plants are pencil – thick, transplant to a distance of 40 x 15 cm. Harvest: Bulbs can be harvested in September – October.

  • HALF HIGH MARIGOLD DOUBLE MIXED: Annual. How to sow: In spring and autumn, transplant at 30 cm. distance. Flowering: In spring (autumn sowing), summer-autumn (spring sowing). Strong plant, which does not need special care. Use: Borders, windows-beds, and very appreciated as cut flower for brunches.
  • Enchancing the pigs during their life for quick growth

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