• PHOENIX CANARIENSIS (Palm Tree): Perennial. Can be grown in gardens. Can be sown all the year in sheltered seedbeds, transplant when plants are 10 cm. high. Replant finally when plants are about 30 cm. high. Sow about 2 cm. deep in well-prepared, well-drained soils. Should not be grown in areas where the temperature falls bellow 0ºC.
  • PINE (PINUS PINEA): Typical conifer in the Mediterranean area. 8-10 m. high. It is a well formed pine and very decorative. It produces pine-cones containing pine-kernels very much appreciated for cooking and pastry.
  • MIMOSA-ACACIA DEALBATA: Garden tree highly appreciated by its beautiful gold yellow flowering in winter. Perennial leaf and foliage during the whole year. Medium small tree, 3 to 5 m. high. It can be sown alone or in group in all the garden exposures.
  • MUSE (Ornamental Banana Tree): Perennial. Suitable for gardens. How to sow: All the year at a 40 cm. depth. It needs light soil, not too much moist and some sand to help drainage. It tolerates dry hot conditions well. In winter it should be in a sunny place, with temperatures preferably over 8ºC. This plant is highly appreciated for its elegance and beauty.
  • PICEA ABIS: It is the conifer know as Christmas-tree. Pyramid shape, green colour and easy to grow. How to grow: Sow at the end of winter and in spring. In seedbed, sheltered when beginning to germinate, afterwards, transplant to final location.

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